Food Styling: Holiday Baking

Holiday Baking Ideas New England Blogger Abby Capalbo | Photography: Erin McGinn

With the holidays approaching at record speed, I always get asked if I’m hosting any of the big events. And the truth is, I don’t host a single occasion around the holidays. My mom and mother in law have it all covered (and then some). It’s amazing in so many ways - particularly with a little one - to not have to worry about the logistics of a big holiday gathering. However, I keep reminding myself that I am hosting the entire season for Henry. All the little moments that lead up to the big occasions. And that’s where the magic really lies.

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Holiday Baking Ideas New England Blogger Abby Capalbo | Photography: Erin McGinn
Holiday Baking Ideas New England Blogger Abby Capalbo | Photography: Erin McGinn

I’m so looking forward to those moments. The messy kitchen. The flour party I’m sure I will instigate. Dance parties fueled by too many cookies. And since I couldn’t wait any longer and already started decorating (oops) - these super special little moments are already happening. His little eyes light up at every little change in the house - like he notices every detail (must be in the genes). Little does he know he’s giving me the greatest gift of all.

Holiday Baking Ideas New England Blogger Abby Capalbo | Photography: Erin McGinn

What are your favorite little, often overshadowed moments of the holiday season? My sappy little self eats this stuff right up! xoxo, Abby